I cannot imagine for one second that an EV brand is going to associate itself with anything diesel. That is quite literally the polar opposite of an EV brands ethos.
well Gas or Diesel hurts the EV brand so might as well select the best fit, what ever that may be. I have a Cyber Beast, I'm supporting the EV Brand...now I want more range flexibility!I cannot imagine for one second that an EV brand is going to associate itself with anything diesel. That is quite literally the polar opposite of an EV brands ethos.
has a nice ring to it........just rolls of the tongue.Hydrogen Harvester
To be fair VW is not the only manufacturer that did this,Oh no, not another dieselgate scandal!
That was mess ever since VW was caught....
I am waiting to see what the class action settlement is for my BMW 335D and BMW X5-35D I owned....