Ha. Well I have a $60K Bronco Badlands that I took to major offroad group events within 2 months of getting it and have since gone again maybe a dozen times. I paid for that capability so I definitely want to experience it and take advantage of it. There are ways to go offroading to avoid damage...
Yes like at our Carolina Panthers game, which would be more exciting than watching them play this year lol. I would buy some cheap tickets just to see it.
Good point about the Cayman. Looking forward to seeing how all of this unfolds, while also feeling we might be helping Scout in someway setting all this up!
Ok I appreciate you providing the link to the Volt power train as I do stand corrected. Kudos on how you handled that! : ) I now recall this going back and forth in those initial years as I think the big confusion was how one defines how the gas engines provides assistance. Which as you know...
I agree with you, I would rather just get the full EV version and enjoy the bump in performance and range over the gas extender that only prolongs the battery's depletion.
I agree with all you said except the part about Volt's planetary gearset. That was a myth and was never the case, atleast not in the Gen1 vehicles. The engine was only used as a generator with the battery providing full power to propel the vehicle in motion. What many may have confused this...
Just posted more detail on the other Harvester thread, so will just summarize on this one. I also haven't read thru all 7 pages, so hopefully this hasnt already been argued to death. It is my hope that Scout is watching these boards as they appear to be listening to their potential buyer base...
Hi, we think alike so wanted to give you my thoughts and concerns. First of all, I have put a deposit down for the Traveler with Range Extender so am really keeping my fingers crossed (with cash) that this range extender is more like you described. However, I now have my doubts after reading a...