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  1. Factory delivery option will be available ... are you taking trip to Scout plant in SC for it?

    For anyone that has done factory delivery with a different vehicle, do they remove the destination fee because they don't have to ship the vehicle? Or do they leave all or part of it as a factory delivery fee to offset the cost of staffing and having a facility for delivery.
  2. Pricing difference between EV+Gas (Harvester) vs. Full-EV model?

    I think its been reported from a few different people at the press launch, that the harvester will have about a 150 mile range battery. Its possible, although I think unlikely, they would have as an option an extended range Harvester with the base EV battery plus the gas engine generator...
  3. Pricing difference between EV+Gas (Harvester) vs. Full-EV model?

    But with the Maverick you're comparing a smaller gas engine + a battery vs. a larger gas engine. The delta in price between two similar internal combustion engines is going to be smaller than the delta in price between a large and medium size battery pack. But I completely agree with you that...
  4. Pricing difference between EV+Gas (Harvester) vs. Full-EV model?

    The Harvester definitely won't be more expensive than the full EV version. They will likely sell it for the same/very similar price to the base EV because of demand and make a better margin on those vehicles than the EV. It seems likely there will be three battery sizes. One that gives around...
  5. Autonomous Driving / Self-Driving on 2027 Scout EV?

    It doesn't seem like driver assistance tech will be the focus for Scout, which makes sense given the type of vehicle it is, but it will definitely have modern driver assistance features (it would be almost impossible to sell a modern vehicle for $60k+ to a wide enough segment of the market...