Seems like the membership is sharply divided on the whole 0-60 thing. As someone who currently drives a 7.5 second Jeep Wrangler, I’d be perfectly happy with a 5.5 second Traveler Harvester. Perfectly. Especially if it meant I got more range out of the battery.
Hell yes. Harvester is sounding better and better. 150 miles is fine for commuting and weekday stuff. 350 miles per fill-up is perfect for weekends and exploring. Scout is making all the right noises. Hope they can deliver! I'm really glad I got a first-hour deposit placed.
This is true for all Scout models. None will be a true model of efficiency. For that, buy a Model 3 or something.
For many of us, the Harvester gives us the best of all worlds. 5 days out of the week, I can use pure battery power. On weekends, when I need to drive to the big city, or want to go...
Depends on how big the gas tank is. If it’s anything like the now-discontinued Chevy Volt, the ICE engine can keep up with recharging the battery while you’re driving, meaning you can go for as long as it’s got fuel. The Volt had an 8.9 gallon gas tank. We’ll see what the Scouts come with.
I sure hope they reduce the width of this thing prior to production. According to this official diagram, it is 5 inches wider than the (very wide!) Ford Raptor. Really hoping this is an error, because such size would render it too big for proper off-roading.