Length really doesn't matter much for drag. It's mostly the drag force is the frontal area times the coefficient of drag. You should look closely at those dimensions listed from InsideEVs, they aren't actually apples-to-apples when you look at how the manufacturer is measuring the values and the...
The R1 is smaller than these, and I suspect more aerodynamic. They are also not getting 350 miles with a 120 to 130kwh battery, especially with the A/T tires.
The scout's are (size and shape) between either R1 and the GM offerings.
I just hope he's wrong and they push the capacity up before...
Nope. The numbers don't add up. With the size and shape of these and the tire options, they need to be in the 180kwh range for 350 miles. Unless they are magically efficient, that's a concerning number.