I might be open to letting someone have mine, especially if the removal is clean
I'd be interested, I had toyota not install mine because I felt I could get a better deal and am looking for someone like you or maybe a different brand.I might be open to letting someone have mine, especially if the removal is clean
I haven't noticed it blocking my view. Might be a difference in our height and/or seat position. It might be possible to mount it on the other side of the mirror (just thought of this but haven't checked)Do you feel like it hampers your line of sight? When I look at stoplights, etc, it blocks things.
Starting to think about removing it
Removal should be straightforward. I'd carefully use a heat gun from the front of the windshield to help get the adhesive off, then clean with goo gone. The rest is just installation in reverse. I wouldn't let anyone do it unless I knew that they knew what they were doing. The Toyota dealership would probably just charge their hourly rate to remove it. It's a half hour job tops, but they will probably charge you an hourI might be open to letting someone have mine, especially if the removal is clean