Here is what they told me. It’s still mostly unclear to me what changing your order does. They say it keeps your place in line but also may change your delivery timing. Who knows what that really means.
From comments on this forum and on YouTube and other places, it appears that several people have changed or are planning on changing their reservation to a BEV.
I ordered a BEV on Feb 11th. At that time, I asked him if it was possible to change my reservation when more information comes out...
I really thought this video shoot was not flattering nor strategic on many levels.
1. Jay Leno is much much older than the target market for this vehicle. It was obvious Jay was meandering around & didn’t always quite get what the CEO was saying.
2. The CEO felt a little awkward IMO as well...
New to EVs here. Very little actual knowledge or “know-how” with things. Let’s start with that.
I am an outdoorsman. Specifically, an Idaho back country hunter, and fisherman. I take multiple trips a year into the back country either camping for fun or hanging trail cameras, and in the fall...
Hey there! I also had a reservation on the Ram REV. Life happened. Didn’t follow through on it. I’ve never owned an EV of any variety. Excited about this one.
like then Ram REV 😙. Announced w groundbreaking exterior design at launch show, then they announced the actual truck as just another Ram looking truck like the existing model.
Hello all. I’m an Idaho backcountry hunter, fisherman, and father.
I also run a small elk hunting company. I’m in the vast minority of my peers in that I actually love what the EV world is bringing to trucks in capability.
I have ordered the BEV only Terra. That also seems to put me in the...